Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 and the New Fade

on a Tuesday morning
four plains were hijacked
and crashed, two into
two towers, one into
the Pentagon, and one
in a field in Pennsylvania

now, you won't believe this
but there are people who
believe that these crashes
were a conspiracy, that they
were orchestrated to fulfill
an agenda of terror
from within

that's what it's like
in the New Fade, connecting
dots that aren't there because
that's what you want to believe
about the world around you,
ignoring devastation, mocking it
and all the lives lost in favor
of ludicrous self-serving
conclusions whose only
connection to the real world
is how they matches your politics

so if you'll excuse me
i'll sit here and remember
what really happened and how
it transformed our world

we're still so much in the thick
of that change now that we
can't appreciate it just yet...